
a Quick and Permanent Cure
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Unleash 6 Power Steps to Overcome Stress and Permanently Prevent Stomach Troubles

Stress is known to cause a variety of health issues, including stomach problems. If you have been experiencing stomach troubles and would like to prevent them from coming back, the following steps can help you beat stress and keep your stomach troubles away.

Beat Emotional Stress and Prevent Stomach Troubles

Stomach TroublesIf you ever experience stomach cramps, indigestion or other gut-related issues, it can be easy to become fearful of these symptoms, leading to further restriction of your diet and social activities.

But what’s the link between your stomach and stress?

Research has shown that there’s a powerful connection between the gut and the brain – with the digestive tract and the brain sharing many of the same nerve connections.

It’s been found that when we’re anxious or stressed, hormones and chemicals are released into the gut which interfere with our digestion, resulting in an imbalance that can lead to a number of gastrointestinal conditions.

To reduce the impact of stress on your stomach, here are six tips:

1. Take regular breaks and focus on your breathing

Stomach TroublesTaking regular breaks and focusing on your breathing can be a lifesaver when it comes to managing stress and anxiety. But let’s be real, sometimes it’s hard to remember to step away from the grind. That’s why we recommend incorporating a little bit of fun into your breaks!

Set a timer for every hour and when it goes off, do a silly dance (see tip #2) or sing a silly song. It’s guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and help you refocus on your breathing.

Another great way to focus on your breathing is to play a game of “breathing tag.” Find a friend or co-worker to play with and take turns being the “it” person. When you’re “it,” take a deep breath in and then breathe out slowly.

Then, “tag” someone else by saying, “breathe in, breathe out.” It’s a fun and playful way to remember to focus on your breathing and take regular breaks throughout the day. Plus, you’ll get a good laugh in the process!

2. Get tips on managing stress and anxiety

Stomach TroublesStress and anxiety can be tough to handle, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here’s a tip that’s sure to lighten the mood – break out into a spontaneous dance party! Trust us, busting a move and letting loose can do wonders for your mental state.

And if anyone gives you funny looks, just tell them you’re practicing your “stress management techniques.”

Another tip for managing stress and anxiety is to have a good sense of humor. Laughter is truly the best medicine, so make time for activities that bring joy and laughter into your life. Watch a funny movie, read a humorous book, or spend time with friends who make you laugh and see stomach troubles disappear fast.

You can even try intentionally seeking out humor in everyday situations – the grocery store, the line at the bank, you name it! With a little laughter and positivity, you’ll be well on your way to a stress and anxiety-free life.

3. Quit smoking as this can weaken the muscle that controls the lower end of the food pipe and lead to reflux

Stomach Troubles

Quitting smoking is not only great for your health, but it can also be a real boon for your digestive system. If you’re a smoker, you’ve probably noticed that after a cigarette, you might experience a little burp or two.

And who wants to be burping all the time? Not me! But the reason why this happens is actually quite serious. Smoking weakens the muscle that controls the lower end of your food pipe, which can lead to stomach troubles and acid reflux. That’s right, smoking can make you burp up your lunch!

So, if you want to keep your food where it belongs and avoid those pesky burps, it’s time to quit smoking. Not only will your digestive system thank you, but you’ll also be doing your health a huge favor. After all, smoking has been linked to all sorts of health problems, from cancer to heart disease and stomach troubles.

So, not only will you be improving your digestion, but you’ll also be taking a big step towards a healthier future. Plus, think of all the money you’ll save by not buying cigarettes! You could buy yourself a new outfit, or even treat yourself to a fancy dinner. So, don’t wait any longer, quit smoking today and start enjoying all the benefits of a healthier digestive system!

4. Practice mindfulness and meditation to manage stress and anxiety

Stomach TroublesPracticing mindfulness and meditation is a great way to manage stress and anxiety, but let’s be honest, it can be a bit intimidating at first. That’s why we suggest starting with “mindful snacking.” Find a healthy snack, like a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts, and take your time eating it.

Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and smells of the food. This simple exercise will help you focus your mind and bring mindfulness into your daily routine.

And if you’re looking for a comprehensive program to help you manage stress and anxiety and cure acid reflux for good, look no further than The Reflux Revolution Program! This incomparable program combines mindfulness and meditation with a scientifically-backed approach to curing acid reflux and healing stomach troubles.

With The Reflux Revolution Program, you’ll be able to manage your stress and anxiety, and enjoy your favorite foods without any discomfort. It’s a win-win! So why wait? Get the FREE ebook called “The Reflux Revolution” today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you!

5. Exercise regularly – this improves hormonal balance and stimulates the release of endorphins that improve mood and decrease stress

Stomach TroublesExercise is great for your body and mind, but let’s face it, hitting the gym can be a bit boring. So why not add a little fun to your workout routine? Try joining a dance class, going for a hike with friends, or taking a yoga class with a funny instructor. Exercise doesn’t have to be all about weights and cardio, it can be a fun and enjoyable activity.

And speaking of fun, have you heard of the “endorphin rush”? When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones that improve your mood and decrease stress. And feeling good is better than having stomach troubles, right? So, if you’re feeling down or stressed, lace up your sneakers and go for a run or do a quick workout.

In no time, you’ll be feeling better and ready to take on the world! Just remember, when it comes to exercise, the more fun you have, the more endorphins you’ll release. So why not make it a fun and enjoyable part of your daily routine?

6. Make simple lifestyle changes to prevent, relieve and even banish digestive problems and stomach upsets.

Stomach TroublesMaking simple lifestyle changes to prevent, relieve and banish digestive problems and stomach troubles doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, it can be a fun and creative challenge! For example, try experimenting with new, healthy recipes that are gentle on your digestive system.

You might just discover your new favorite dish! And if you’re someone who likes to snack, switch out unhealthy junk food for healthier options like fruits, veggies, or nuts. Your taste buds and your tummy will thank you.

Another fun way to improve your digestive health is by trying new forms of exercise, like belly dancing or hula-hooping. Not only will you be working on your core, but you’ll also be helping to improve your digestion.

And who knows, you might just find a new hobby in the process! So go ahead, make simple lifestyle changes and have a little fun while you’re at it. Your digestive system will thank you for it.


Stress can have a significant impact on your digestive system and cause a variety of stomach problems. By taking regular breaks, managing stress and anxiety, quitting smoking, practicing mindfulness and meditation, exercising regularly, and incorporating humor into your live, you can beat stress and prevent stomach troubles from coming back.

So why wait? Implement these tips into your daily routine and take the first step towards a happier and healthier life.

Don’t forget to share your favorite stress-relieving tips with us in the comments section below!

Let’s beat stress together and spread the word to help others achieve a stress-free life.


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About Michel Lejeune
Michel Lejeune is an int. ABH/ABNLP Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Since 2006, he has helped thousands of people worldwide to cure from acid reflux, so that they live a heartburn and pain free life, without drugs or hassle.
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Hi! I’m Michel Lejeune, int. ABH/ABNLP Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.

I had acid reflux for over 20 years, and I’m completely cured of it.

I can do, eat and drink anything I want with absolutely zero heartburn and no drugs. But it wasn’t always that way…

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Wat is een Nachtsessie

Een nachtsessie is een speciale sessie die je afspeelt op het moment dat je naar bed gaat om te slapen. De sessie bestaat uit 2 delen:

Dit is het deel dat je helpt in een diepe vaste slaap te vallen. Terwijl je slaapt en diep rust zet je je onderbewustzijn open voor de suggesties die daarna volgen.

Dit is het deel dat de juiste suggesties bevat om een bepaalde gewenste verandering te realiseren.

Dit deel wordt terwijl je slaapt vele keren achter elkaar herhaald. Soms wel tot 15 keer. Een nachtsessie duurt ongeveer 5 uur, maar daar merk je niets van, omdat je slaapt.

Het is een uiterst effectieve manier om hetzelfde effect te krijgen als wanneer je een gewone hypnosesessie meerdere keren zou herhalen. Een nachtsessie bespaart je veel tijd overdag.

Wat is een Multiliminal

Een Multiliminal is een revolutionaire techniek, waarmee je zonder hypnose sneller dan ooit het gewenste resultaat bereikt! De sessie bestaat uit 1 deel:

Dit is het deel dat meteen begint. Je hoort geen achtergrondmuziek, maar natuurgeluiden gecombineerd met speciale geluidstonen die verschillen tussen links en rechts.

Dit in combinatie met Michel’s stem zorgt ervoor dat je brein binnen 5 minuten in de z.g. super-leerstaat’ komt.

Een Multiliminal duurt kort. Gemiddeld slechts 15-25 minuten. Hierdoor is een Multiliminal ideaal voor bijvoorbeeld even tussen de middag.

Ook is een Multiliminal perfect geschikt voor mensen die liever geen hypnose willen, maar wel het positieve resultaat!

Of je kunt een Multiliminal uitstekend combineren met de hypnosevariant.

Tijdens deze super-leerstaat bereiken de suggesties nóg sneller en gemakkelijker je onderbewustzijn en heb je nóg sneller het gewenste positieve effect. Een Multiliminal is kort en bespaart je enorm veel tijd.