About Us
Welcome to the Reflux Revolution! We're on a mission to save the world from the burning tyranny of acid reflux.
But let's be real, who wants to read about serious health issues all day? That's why we're bringing a little humor to the table.
I created the Reflux Revolution after deciding to stop taking dangerous PPI drugs, due to research linking long-term use to serious health issues such as early dementia, c. diff and even death.
So, I was determined to find a natural cure for my GERD (severe acid reflux) and, as a certified clinical hypnotherapist, I took matters into my own hands.
After extensive research, I developed the Reflux Revolution, a revolutionary solution to acid reflux, GERD, heartburn, and hiatal hernia. This program doesn't just provide temporary relief, it actually cures the underlying condition.
I'm passionate about helping others overcome acid reflux and reclaim their health, and I believe the Reflux Revolution is the solution they've been looking for.
With a passion for natural health and a good sense of humor, I've turned the Reflux Revolution into a movement of people dedicated to saying goodbye to acid reflux for good.
Join me and let's be a part of this revolution together!
About Me
Hi! I’m Michel Lejeune, an ABH/ABNLP Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Imagine living without the constant discomfort of acid reflux – I know how life-changing it can be because I suffered from it for over 20 years.
But now, I can indulge in any food or drink I desire with zero heartburn and no reliance on medication.
It wasn’t an easy journey, but with my personal experience and expertise, I can show you the way to a life free of acid reflux.
Let’s take that first step together!